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How long can I check out a book for?

5832 views   |   Last updated on Nov 03, 2022    books borrowing


The borrowing period for students is a full semester (whole academic year for students in honors program), with the exception of musical scores, and Nevins books which circulate for 28 days. You can renew books online by logging into your Library Account.

Reference books, rare books and Reserve materials do not circulate outside the libraries. The hard copy Reserves are located and circulate from the Dinand Circulation Desk. Books that are required reading are shelved here. To borrow Reserve materials, you will need your Holy Cross ID. The loan period is 3 hours.

Audio and video materials may be checked out for a 48 hour period.

Periodicals circulate only to faculty. Current periodicals may be checked out for a one week period. Bound periodicals can be checked out for the whole academic year.

