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Who can use the Holy Cross libraries? 

1272 views   |   Last updated on Sep 06, 2018    visitors guests public


While borrowing privileges are restricted, our libraries are open to the public for general use (including in-house use of the collection, research databases, etc.) so long as library rules are honored. We reserve the right to ban specific individuals from using the library if necessary. Please note that Holy Cross students and faculty have priority use of the computers. 

During the last two hours of operation, the Dinand Library is available to Holy Cross students, faculty, & staff only.

Policies on Borrowing Books: 

All current faculty, students and staff are eligible to borrow books from the libraries using their Holy Cross ID. Click here for specific borrowing policies. 

Holy Cross Alumni are eligible to be issued a library card and check out up to 10 books at a time. Click here to learn more about services for alumni. 

Members of ARC Consortium institutions are eligible to borrow from the libraries with an ARC borrower's card and a valid consortium ID. 

Library cards are generally issued at the discretion of the supervisor on-duty. In addition to the above-groups, we can usually issue library cards to: 

  • Area clergy
  • Nativity School teachers
  • Other Worcester-area school teachers
  • Members of the Worcester Institute for Senior Education
  • Members of the American Guild of Organists

...and others, at the supervisor’s discretion. 

